Welcome to the online home for Oak Ridge High School's Theatre Arts Boosters. We are parents, caregivers, and community members committed to supporting the OR theatre program through ticket sales, community outreach, fundraising and much more. There are no small parts when it comes to helping our program thrive. We welcome your involvement.
January 7
Parent Meeting @ ORHS Theater 6 PM
Frayn Performance Dates: Thursday 3/13, Saturday 3/15 @7pm, Friday 3/21, Saturday 3/22 @ 2pm
Caine Cast Performance Dates: Friday 3/14, Saturday 3/15 @ 2pm, Thursday 3/20, Saturday 3/22 @ 7pm
Parent Volunteer Sign-Ups Here
Join us!
We're a group of theatre moms and dads who work behind-the-scenes to support the amazing work of our Theatre Director, Kate Rolls, and her creative team--plus hundreds of student performers and technical artists. Interested in joining ORTAB or becoming a Board Member? We'd love to hear from you!